Description=This report shows the U.S., Canadian, and international organizations that visit your web site. Use this information to monitor your target audience, identify new target customers, and generate leads from frequently visiting organizations. This report requires "IP resolution" and "Whois queries" to be completed before analysis.
Measure.Number of organizations=Organization.ID:::0:::0:::0:::0:::0::::::
Measure2Name=Number of U.S. organizations
Measure.Number of U.S. organizations=Organization.ID:::0:::0:::0:::0:::0:::country=usa:::
Measure3Name=Number of canadian organizations
Measure.Number of canadian organizations=Organization.ID:::0:::0:::0:::0:::0:::country=canada:::
Measure4Name=Number of international organizations
Measure.Number of international organizations=Organization.ID:::0:::0:::0:::0:::0:::country<>usa and country<>canada and country <> "Unresolv*" and country<>"Unknown*":::
Measure5Name=Number of unknown organizations
Measure.Number of unknown organizations=Organization.ID:::0:::0:::0:::0:::0:::country="Unresolv*" or country="Unknown*":::
[Organization detail report.United States organizations.Top 25 U.S. organizations by organization type]
Description=Lists visits by U.S. organization type (e.g. commercial, education, and military) and lists the top 25 organizations within each type. Determine if your target customers are visiting your site as frequently as expected or learn about new organization names or types to target.
[Organization detail report.Canadian organizations.Top 25 Canadian organizations by organization type]
Description=Lists visits by Canadian organization type (e.g. commercial, education, and military) and lists the top 25 organizations within each type. Determine if you're target customers are visiting your site as frequently as expected or learn about new organization names or types to target.
Filter=country<>usa and country<>canada and country<>"Unknown*" and country <> "Unresolv*" and orgtype<>"Unknown*" :::Tomorrow:::1:::False:::False:::False:::
Child1Name=Top 15 international organizations
Child2Name=Top 25 organizations for the top 10 international countries
[Organization detail report.International organizations.Top 15 international organizations]
[Organization detail report.International organizations.Top 25 organizations for the top 10 international countries]
Description=Lists the top 10 international countries and the top 25 organizations visiting from each of these countries. Determine if your international marketing programs are attracting the expected numbers of visits.